12 Generation Circle Diagram:
Henderson's Blue Moonshine

Willynwood Ogre's Angel 'CH' Ruffian Hercules Of Har-Wyn (NR) Simpson's Bucky (NR) Simpson's Bear (NR) Brooker's Sybil Black Lady II Duke Of Windsor (NR) Montshire's Schabwacher 'CH' Topstaff's Tony The Tiger Patrick's Blitz Patrick's Bull Boy Bob Davie's Doodle Clark's Copper Smale's Irene Adam's Kingfish Concho's Kay Thompson's Herc 'AKC CH' Ruffian Chita Of Harwyn 'CH' Ruffian Harper Of Harwyn Shyto's Tiger Lily Danny Dufford Hasselling Hussy C & K's Pookie Noll's Copper Angel Noll's King Skipper (NR) Thompson's Maggie (NR) Thompson's Pooie (NR) Tonkawa Little Missy 'AKC CH' Sky King Of Harwyn Ruffian Gerty Of Har-wyn X-Pert Rowdy Rascal (NR) Simpson's Bucky (NR) Simpson's Bear (NR) Brooker's Sybil Black Lady II Duke Of Windsor (NR) Montshire's Schabwacher 'CH' Topstaff's Tony The Tiger Patrick's Blitz Patrick's Bull Boy Bob (NR) Simpson's Bucky (NR) Simpson's Bear (NR) Brooker's Sybil Black Lady II Duke Of Windsor (NR) Montshire's Schabwacher 'CH' Topstaff's Tony The Tiger Simpson's Cookie Jacques Sensei The Punkin Eater Mountshire's Blue Czonka K.O. Casey Girl Telamonian Ajax (NR) Tozer's Queenie Patrick & Steele's Hammer Noll's Copper Angel Noll's King Skipper (NR) 'PR' Green's Brenda (NR) Mugger's Black Jack (NR) Wig's Fancy Girl (NR) Gonzalez' Perro Alecre Walker's Concho Pearl Concho's Sky Ace 'GRCH' Peg's Kemo's Blue Heather 'CH' California Blue (NR) Largent's Bufalo Gal 'CH' Mason's Hog (NR) Hayes' Sally Hayes' King Copper (NR) Keller's Golden Girl (NR) Keller's Bite (NR) Swayne's Pollyanna (NR) Swayne's Simba (NR) Held's Penny Thompson's Herc (NR) Thompson's Maggie (NR) Thompson's Pooie Ruffian Sika Of Harwyn 'AKC CH' Ruffian High Ace Of Harwyn 'AKC CH' Ruffian Texas Queen Of Harwyn 'AKC CH' Sky King Of Harwyn Simpson's Cookie Jacques Sensei The Punkin Eater Mountshire's Blue Czonka K.O. Casey Girl Telamonian Ajax (NR) Tozer's Queenie Patrick & Steele's Hammer Ruffian Corvette Of Har-Wyn Gallant's Ruff Simpson's Cookie Jacques Sensei The Punkin Eater Mountshire's Blue Czonka Shyto's Tiger Lily Danny Dufford Hasselling Hussy C & K's Pookie (NR) Largent's Bufalo Gal 'CH' Mason's Hog (NR) Hayes' Sally Hayes' King Copper (NR) Keller's Golden Girl (NR) Keller's Bite (NR) Swayne's Pollyanna (NR) Swayne's Simba William's Witch II Faircloth's Primo Foxfire's Mistie Blue Couturier's Blue Max II Autumn Fawn Gadberry's Lobo 'CH' 'PR' Mayle's Ginger Lu Allen's Haze Concho's Kay Thompson's Herc 'AKC CH' Ruffian Chita Of Harwyn 'CH' Ruffian Harper Of Harwyn Shyto's Tiger Lily Danny Dufford Hasselling Hussy C & K's Pookie Ruffian Bonnie Of Harwyn Ruffian Chango Of Harwyn Ruffian Gerty Of Har-wyn X-Pert Rowdy Rascal Ruffian Corvette Of Har-Wyn Gallant's Ruff Hodnett's Tasha Lynn Whittall's Bullfrog Hodnett's Tasha Lynn Whittall's Bullfrog Hodnett's Phantom Taffy Hodnett's Southern Phantom Shyto's Tiger Lily Danny Dufford 'GRCH' Peg's Kemo's Blue Heather 'CH' California Blue Autumn Fawn Gadberry's Lobo 'CH' 'PR' Mayle's Ginger Lu Allen's Haze Tyee's Satin Magic Couturier's Blue Bully Marvin's Queen Sara Denney's Sampson Walker's Concho Pearl Concho's Sky Ace 'GRCH' Peg's Kemo's Blue Heather 'CH' California Blue Archer's Debonaire Of Lylane 'CH' Indian Doc Ruffian Archer's Dotty 'CH' Ruffian Gray Boy Of Har-Wyn Ruffian Janet Of Mounthaven Blitz Ruffian Bonnie Of Harwyn Ruffian Chango Of Harwyn (NR) Benson's Bridget (NR) Clouse's Shilo (NR) Benson's Goldie (NR) Benson's Red Yankee Cotton's Kitty Pit Sanchez' Smokey Jammie's So Fine Pena's Bullet Hodnett's Melody Lynn Hodnett's Sinbad Hodnett's Melody Lynn 'CH' Hodnett's Snow Phantom 'CH' Monica's Misty Blue Couturier's Blue Max II Marvin's Queen Sara Denney's Sampson Watchdog's Moon Shadow Watchdog's Big Thor Foxfire's Mistie Blue Couturier's Blue Max II Hodnett's Tasha Lynn Whittall's Bullfrog 'CH' G's Damisela Encan Tadora 'CH' Ruffian Contact Of Har-Wyn Ruffian Blue Miss Of Har-Wyn 'CH' Ruffian Gray Boy Of Har-Wyn Hunter's Blue Lucy Oliver's Sand Fly Glasby's Lady Bull Glasby's Banchi Glasby's Lady Bull Glasby's Banchi (NR) Klemp's Suzy (NR) Royce's Consomme Red (NR) Person's Ninja (NR) Tallman's Go Buck (NR) Klemp's Suzy (NR) Royce's Consomme Red (NR) Person's Ninja (NR) Tallman's Go Buck (NR) Tex' Lulu Chance Dancin Laman Chance Dancin Lena (NR) Benson's Red Renegade (NR) Benson's Bridget (NR) Clouse's Shilo (NR) Benson's Goldie (NR) Benson's Red Yankee Cotton's Vendetta Pam's Sam Bass Krueger's Ginger Krueger's Paleface Hodnett's Tasha Lynn Whittall's Bullfrog Hodnett's Phantom Taffy Hodnett's Southern Phantom Couturier's Blu Liberty Watchdog's Big Thor Watchdog's Zulu Couturier's Blue Bully (NR) Pulliam's Chea (NR) Smart's White Brahma (NR) Keathley's Lil Bit (NR) Mize's Booger (NR) Mac's Cona Bud (NR) Mac's Sancho Hodnett's Melody Lynn Hodnett's Sinbad (NR) Finn's Mbc Miss Scarlett (NR) Carver's Selma Cyclone Cook's Rena Ann Martin's Sam Whiskey 'CH' Archer's Muneca Dulsie De Griffin's 'CH' Ruffian Hercules Of Har-Wyn Boyd's Dolly Parton Boyd's Jake Hunter's Blue Lucy Oliver's Sand Fly Glasby's Lady Bull Glasby's Banchi Calderon's Chata Cab's Jc Calderon's Chata Cab's Jc Briseno's Alexis Cab's Moe Foe (NR) Tallman's Little Bit (NR) McMackin's Black Limo (NR) Tallman's Little Bit (NR) McMackin's Black Limo (NR) Klemp's Suzy (NR) Royce's Consomme Red (NR) Person's Ninja (NR) Tallman's Go Buck (NR) M.D.'s Sissy (NR) M.D.'s Rushin Chance Dancin Lena (NR) Benson's Red Renegade Yancey's Blonde Beauty Krueger's Rebel Hodnett's Melody Lynn 'CH' Hodnett's Snow Phantom 'CH' PR' Watchdog's Going Jesse 'CH' Watchdog's Bully Haze (NR) Gregg's Jellybean (NR) Pulliam's Pete Keathley's Lil Red Hamman's Hemi Stine's Deep Coalette Stine's Steam Hammer Chivas Regal Missy White Rock Jet Bomber Boyd's Polly Boyd's Jake Calderon's Chata Calderon's El Diablo Alvaro's Lady Briseno's Royal Jock (NR) Loughlin's Kianne Pepper (NR) Loughlin's Blue Limo (NR) Tallman's Little Bit (NR) McMackin's Black Limo M.D.'s Sassy-Susie (NR) M.D.'s Litn Southern Phantom's Tesla Hodnett's Phantom Photon Nikki Girl Koterba Killer Diller Koterba Hairell's Stormy Hunte's Sharocca Rascal's Pede Boyd's El Toro Alvaro's Bo Derek Alvaro's K.W. Loughlin's Rowdy Loughlin's Master Blaster M.D.'s Vicky Dansfiell's White Pride Fioretti's Tesha Girl Bendele's Rowdy Ol Red Keysha Blue Murray Denton's Shaka Zulu II Loughlin's Pearl Corey's Combat Fioretti's Bleu Sierra Denton's Blue Boy Harper's Mini Pearl Henderson's Chuy Henderson's Blue Moonshine

Henderson's Blue Moonshine Circle Diagram

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