At the American Pit Bull Registry we provide a variety of community resources dedicated to promoting the responsible ownership of the American Pit Bull Terrier dog breed.
No where else will you find the kind of resources and links to other enthusiasts within the Pit Bull community.
Our social network ( Pit Bull Social ) is the world's largest social network dedicated to the Pit Bull and has thousands of members around the world.
If you are looking to add a Pit Bull to your Family or have a Pit Bull you would like to find a mate for then you have come to the right place. Through our classifieds services we manage more Pit Bull listings than anyone.
Looking for a trustworthy kennel in your area? The APBR has more Certified Pit Bull kennels than any registry on the planet. Certified Kennel membership is not just a title but an honor as each kennel must sign a code of ethics testifying that they will breed to high standards, care for their stock in an ethically and deal with the public in an honest manner. The APBR is the only registry in the world that requires its kennels to agree and adhere to such a code of ethics. To our Certified Kennels it is more than just a name and more than just a business - it is a matter of pride.